Corrigendum to Regulation 2017/1001 on the EU Trademark

Following a notification from Eurotone Patent to the European authorities, a correction was made in the Bulgarian language version of Regulation 2017/1001 of the European Parliament and Council of 14 June 2017 on the European Union Trade Mark. 
Our team identified inconsistencies in the Bulgarian translation of article 7(1) (c) and (d) of the Regulation, where the phrase “trade marks which consist exclusively of […]” was translated as “trade marks which consist mainly of[…]”. 
This translation error created a risk of incorrect application of the Regulation by the Bulgarian courts. As such, we are very pleased that the European Authorities reacted swiftly to our notification and rectified the issue. 
The official corrigendum to Regulation 2017/1001 is published in the EU Official Journal (L 415,10.12.2020).